Ocular Prostheses Course

There are eyes that look, there are eyes that dream, there are eyes that call, there are eyes that laugh pleasantly, there are eyes that cry with tears of sorrow, some inward others outward.

Miguel de Unamuno

Unamuno reminds us of the importance of our eyes, the look of the soul for some, the balance in terms of aesthetics for others. In any case, losing an eye or the vision in one of them is traumatic for those who suffer it. Hence the importance of quality prosthetic work, not only aesthetics is provided but an emotional support that translates into quality of life by raising the mood of the patient.

Years ago many professionals found strange the term Ocularist, they did not know if it was an ophthalmologist, optometrist or an orthopedic prosthetist. It was considered a rare, minor and very distant profession in the health field.

Fortunately the term has evolved appearing in the same search engine “technician carefully trained expert in the art of manufacturing and adapting ocular prostheses” so it already refers to a specialization.

What do we propose in this 9-module distance learning course?

In addition to gaining awareness that the prosthetic adaptation itself encompasses more than just an artificial eye, and encompassing many more functions such as measuring the patient’s psychological disorder or solving an anatomic or aesthetic problem, the student needs the following notions:

  • Eye physiology and anatomy
  • Pathology and ocular clinic
  • Techniques for the manufacture and adaptation of ocular prostheses
  • Artistic techniques

By taking this course you will have all the theoretical bases to manufacture and adapt a custom-made ocular prosthesis.

In our centre all the prosthetic activity is carried out, from customised post-operative shapers, management of provisional prostheses, periodic revisions or maintenance of prostheses to a meticulous continuous advice.

How to register for the courses?

The modules of the Ocular Prosthesis Theoretical Course are 100% online and can be accessed through our platform.

The way to register is very simple, just register using a simple form and make the payment online. From that moment on, you will have access to our online course. Once you have passed the distance learning course, you will be able to register for the second course, which is face-to-face in the workshop.

Below we explain the steps to follow to register.
